BBC News as a widget

BBC News som widget What's new? Now we are launching a news widget with English news from BBC. Why is this good? Users get the latest news directly. Who is affected? The users who have access to widgets in [...]

2024-06-04T10:57:34+00:00March 14, 2023|News|

Tool packages in Skolon

Tool packages in Skolon What's new? A long-awaited feature to more easily sell and distribute licenses for several tools at the same time. Suppliers can include several different tools in the same package. This is done directly from the [...]

2024-06-04T10:58:25+00:00March 14, 2023|News|

Sync portal and SDS

Sync portal and SDS Microsoft has its own sync called School Data Sync. It is based on the standards found in OneRoster. We have now created such a sync from us at Skolon to Microsoft's environments and the software/solution [...]

2024-06-04T10:58:56+00:00February 12, 2023|News|
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